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Showing posts from 2013

Magnolia 5 project setup issue - Could not find artifact org.vaadin.addon

I have try to build magnolia 5 project with maven option (An archetype to create a Magnolia project (a parent pom and a webapp ). and this project can not build due to fallowing error. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project magnolia-webapp: Could not resolve dependencies for project magnolia-webapp:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.vaadin.addon:easyuploads:jar:7.0.0, org.vaadin.addons:refresher:jar:, org.vaadin.addons:cssinject:jar:2.0.3, org.vaadin.addons:icepush:jar:0.5.3, org.vaadin.addons:gwt-graphics:jar:1.0.0, org.vaadin.addons:ckeditor-wrapper-for-vaadin:jar:7.8.3: Could not find artifact org.vaadin.addon:easyuploads:jar:7.0.0 in ( -> [Help 1] Solution - add fallowing vaadin addons respository to project pom.xml <repository> <id>vaadin-addons</id> <url></url>  </repository&