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Showing posts from 2021

ERROR running force:org:create: You do not have access to the [ScratchOrgInfo] object

Error : -   ERROR running force:org:create:  You do not have access to the [ScratchOrgInfo] object Solution :-  To enable Dev Hub in an org: Log in as System Administrator to your Developer Edition, trial, or production org (for customers), or your business org (for ISVs). From Setup, enter  Dev Hub  in the Quick Find box and select  Dev Hub . If you don't see Dev Hub in the Setup menu, make sure that your org is one of the supported editions. To enable Dev Hub, click  Enable . After you enable Dev Hub, you can’t disable it.

git Update failed

  Issue -  when you work with a large team, the git repository may have many branch creation and deletion operations, sometimes we may getting git update failed, when we try to update the whole repository. Solution - Tyr >  git fetch -p -p, --prune After fetching, remove any remote-tracking references that no longer exist on the remote. Tags are not subject to pruning if they are fetched only because of the default tag auto-following or due to a --tags option. However, if tags are fetched due to an explicit refspec (either on the command line or in the remote configuration, for example if the remote was cloned with the --mirror option), then they are also subject to pruning.